
A Teller of Stories; A Singer of Grand Songs

My Instruments

Recently I got hold of a wonderful T. Haruo model T-80 12 string guitar.  These rare, high quality instruments were “handcrafted” at the Terada factory in Kanie Japan for only about 8 years in the 1970s.  Production stopped in 1982.  Players lucky enough to own one generally prize them highly.  The T-80 was at the high end of the model catalog, which began with model T-10.  I intentionally leave the first two strings undoubled; I think this creates a slightly unusual sound.  This is the guitar used in the live recordings posted on the PickleweedPaul Live page. 

A 1979 Takamiene F-400 12-string guitar, a good middle grade instrument,  was used in the studio recordings presently posted on the Listen page

I also tinker now & then on a Saga 5 string banjo.

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PickleweedPaul will play at your event anywhere in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. Please contact me.


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